September 24, 2010

Review: Femme Docs and Kevlar Knights by A_Cullen_Wannabe

The Story: Femme Docs and Kevlar Knights

The Author: A_Cullen_Wannabe

The Rating:

The Pairing: Edward and Bella

The Status: Complete

The Summary:
Bella is a first yr medical intern who was raised by her brother Emmett and his friends after their parents died when she was 16. When a night in the ER turns dangerous can her boys, now members of the best SWAT team in Chicago save her?

The Review:
I am completely addicted to this story right now. It opens with a very intense prologue, then reverts back in time. (Way to be evil and torture your readers Ms. Author, or is a clever plot twist to suck us in? Whichever, it works for me.) It is a long journey to get back to that first scene, but oh so worth the ride. I am always a sucker for man in blue and this Edward does not disappoint....eventually. Oh, that makes this a teaser too! He is sweet, attentive and tender when loving his Bella.

The author did her research. I found the police and medical terminology and situations to be accurate, allowing for a bit of writer's prerogative to adjust certain things to make it fiction. If you don't, then it's non-fiction technical text which would bore me to tears. I give her two thumbs up. Many authors don't make the effort and I find that it makes their stories weak. This novel begins strong and stays the course throughout.

The author makes her characters and the plot interesting so that you can't help but stay involved. Rather than spilling out their back stories right away, they are told through bits and pieces as the situation applies. This is a long story (60 chapters plus outtakes) but I don't want it to end. The love story and the mystery weaves together begging you to keep reading.

The only thing I am saddened about is the fact that the morality police at have caused the story to be 'sanitized for your protection' (above link). You can read it as it was meant to be read at either Docs and Kevlar Knights or at TWCS/Femme Docs and Kevlar Knights.
Please go read this epic story and leave the author some love. Don't forget to tell her we sent you.

1 comment:

  1. That story was amazing! I'm so glad to see it featured here.


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