March 21, 2011

The Jukebox Anonymous One Shot Contest 1st Place Winners

We would like to first thank all of the wonderful authors who took the time to enter our contest. We never imagined it would have such an enormous response.

We must also like to take a moment to thank our judges; Gothic Temptress, Tkegl, Breath-of-Twilight, and Cullen_sistah. You ladies are the very best for judging. This contest would not have gone off so easily without you.

Thank you to all who promoted, voted, and read the entries in this contest. And thank you, Waywardgirl for being kind enough to post this monster on your site.

I, tg10781, would like to add a special thank you to Ange de laube. She has held my hand through this entire process. I'm certain she wanted to ring my neck a few times, but she didn’t complain once! I would not have been able to do this without her. She was also kind enough to make all the graphics for the contest. Without her you guys would be getting banners with stick figures on the front…

A special thank you to the ladies who helped me write the reviews. I thought I would be able to do it on my own – I was sadly mistaken.

Because of the extremely high number of entries we decided to separate the judge and public scores. When we made this decision we did not anticipate that there would be several ties. After much thought we decided that there was no fair way to break the ties. So as you’ll see there are many stories that have tied in both the judge and public vote.

Without further ado… The first place winners of The Jukebox contest:

Host Choice winner:  And So It Is by reluctantreader 

Summary: His job was to ensure her immortality. But when he falls in love with her instead, his ignorance will be the downfall of them all.

What happened after the confrontation with the Volturi at the end of Breaking Dawn?  Did they leave and let the Cullens live in peace?  Or did their embarrassment over the situation lead them to take action?

Alec is assigned to watch Renesmee’s growth and development to ensure that the Halfling wouldn’t cause problems for the vampire world.  But do the Volturi have more in mind than just that?  Will Alec simply be a pawn used by his masters to retaliate against the Cullens? 

Over the course of time Alec and Renesmee become much closer.  They grow from friends to much, much more.  But how will this relationship affect the Cullens? Will it lead to their demise? And how will Nessie heal? 

I applaud any author that has the courage to write a story that contains non-canon couples.  Reluctantreader has done a beautiful job of mixing canon and non-canon aspects into this heartbreaking tale of love and loss.


To read the rest of the entries visit our C2.

You can tweet the author @shantytown005


1st Place Judge’s Choice:  Made of Choices by Vampire Extraordinaire

Summary:  Thomas King said that "the truth about stories is that that's all we are." However, Bella and Edward will prove that it is the choices we make and the decisions we act on that will define us. A story of tumbling love, told in pictures.

I struggle over the right way to describe this story, without giving away too much of the plot. Suffice it to say, it is beautiful, achingly-heartbreaking, and superbly written. Inspired by the haunting melody and moving lyrics of Muse’s Unintended, Vampire Extraordinaire powerfully transforms music into story. When I read Made of Choices, I could actually hear the song in my head, it fit so well with the theme.

Made of Choices tells Bella and Edward’s story through a series of photographs on a mantle. Each picture depicts a pivotal event in the couple’s life – some happy, some not so happy.

The mantle is special. It tells the story of love – perhaps, love lost, to be more accurate. Five pictures explain everything. And with each picture comes a new conclusion, a new beginning.

As the title implies, the story looks at the choices this couple makes. And, although you do believe that they are fated to be together, it’s less about destiny, and more about commitment – a commitment they both make to stand by each other even amidst small-town gossip and small-minded people. Bathed in the rose-colored glow of young love, they believe they can conquer anything as long as they stand by each other – and for a moment, you believe it too.

All is not hearts and flowers for this Bella and Edward, however…and unexpected tragedy rips at their relationship, threatening to destroy all that they had worked for. How Vampire Extraordinaire resolves this conflict I’ll leave for you to discover, but let me just say, it is an ending that will stick with you – and most likely bring tears to your eyes.

I was thrilled to learn that this story won the contest, as it was one of my personal favorites. Congratulations to Vampire Extraordinaire for so effectively capturing the ups and downs of a relationship in such a beautiful and bittersweet tale.


To read the rest of the entries visit our C2.


1st Place People's ChoiceIrreversible by LFC Hotstuff

SummaryEdward and Bella were thrown together by an irreversible act of fate that could alter their lives forever. Both deny their feelings for each other. How far would they go to keep their emotions hidden?

After a horrible car accident Edward awakens in a hospital unable to move his legs.  He’s crushed to learn that he may never walk again.  Doctors assure him that there is a small chance he could return to full function with extensive physical therapy. 

Edward has a hard time coming to terms with his disability.  He pulls away from the world and lashes out at others.  He simply wants to be the man he once was.

Upon arriving home his parents, Esme and Carlisle, hire a full time physical therapist to move into their home and aid in Edward’s recovery. 

Will Edward turn his bad attitude on her? Will she take it?

This is a story of falling in love under unusual and unwelcome circumstances, and what happens when that love is realized. 

LFC Hotstuff does a fantastic job of conveying Edward’s pain and his struggles.  She takes us through his journey of coming to terms with himself and his true feelings. 

We also get a brief look into Bella’s mind and what she is experiencing through this.  What will Bella do we she realizes her feelings?  Check out Irreversible to see. 


To read the rest of the entries visit our C2.

You can tweet with the author @A_lelu_ya


  1. Congrats to all the entrants and winners. And thank you to the judges and host! This had an incredible turn out and I'm wowed by all of the stories entered.


  2. Congratulations to reluctantreader, Vampire Extraordinaire and LFC Hotstuff on your wins! Great job!

    Congratulations, also, to all authors that participated in the Jukebox Contest! This was a really fun contest and the entries were all amazing!! I enjoyed reading - and writing - for this contest very much.

    Thanks so much, Ange, tg10781, Gothic Temptress, Tkegl, Breath-of-Twilight, Cullen_sistah and Waywardgirl!

    Best wishes,
    Charli ox


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