October 27, 2010

Review: Boy Next Door by Taintedvile

Rating: M

Status:  WIP

Summary:  Edward Masen is the boy living next door... Bella has various names for Edward these days; but she no longer calls him friend. Depressed, angst filled teens; trying to cope without the love of a friend.

This is me.... Looking at my blackberry, my updates just aren't cutting it. I'm itching for something to read, something new...Something unique and different and spontaneous. I'm on twitter asking and I get the same rec's...I'm looking through my bookmarks but nothing is catching my eye. I'm completely frustrated with everything and want to give up reading altogether because I'm difficult like that.

With facebook and twitter...Everyone has a blog you would think finding a fic to read would be simple. Wrong!

That's what led me into doing the unspeakable...I searched the search box at FFn.com! I couldn't remember the last time I did such a thing, but there I was, clicking Angst and Tragedy...I didn't care if it was a WIP or complete, I just needed something and who would have fucking thought I would find it the old fashioned way?

The very first fic listed was on called "...boy next door." Eighteen or so chapters, only 135 reviews...I was in indie heaven (if it could pass my standards) I'm such a hard sell but I went in optimistic and I'm so glad I did.

Another fic inspired by Wide Awake, Boy Next Door is exactly my cup of tea. There is a grungy, assaholic Edward and Bella, an anxiety ridden, depressed ball of emotion. They're friends from childhood who grew apart after they each suffered the loss of a parent.

Their lives move on from each other but they're never far apart... Not only because they live next door to each other but because their bond never broke. They watched from under their hair and behind their curtains. Edward loses himself in drugs and art, Bella drowns in pills and seclusion but one day during their senior year in high school they both discover that they can't be without the other...But love isn't simple.

Taintedvile is a first time author who writes because she enjoys it. There is nothing more fulfilling than shining the light on little known fics that turn out to be better than the ones that are over-rated and over rec'd. She left me wishing I had thought of that and struggling to figure out why Boy Next Door isn't in everyone’s favorite list.

Her words are never wasted and Taintedvile uses song lyrics in a way that is similar to Revelry. I hang on to every sentence and am waiting impatiently for the next update. If you're looking for a new fic I highly recommend Boy Next Door.

'I woke up today accepting that the odds of finding my best friend again were slim to none. It was awkward....

How do you go from spending all of your days with someone from the time you were seven, to not even being able to look them in the eyes?

Simple; avoidance was easier than confrontation.' Bella, Chapter 1

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