June 20, 2010

'Push More Review' AKA, a Guest Review! "Milk"

I have a guest review for one of my favorite stories that I have pushed so far. If any of you have read it, you KNOW what I'm talking about! So, as this is my very first guest review, I'd like you to give Sarah (AKA ssarrahh1) a little love.

"Milk” by TeamBella23


Summary: O/S written for the Obsession Contest. My heart hammers against the inside of my chest, threatening to break free and spill onto the floor for him to step on... I wonder if Edward Cullen knows that I'm obsessed with him.

Review: We are first introduced to Bella, a quiet coffee barista, as she fills Edward’s everyday order of Grande, Black (sometimes with milk). She reveals her secret obsession with the coffeehouse regular, and believes to have no real chance of catching his eye. With a change of POV, the reader sees that all is not as it seems, and Bella’s longing for Edward is not as one sided as she believes. “It was over as soon as she opened the door…she was mine. That was also the first day that I followed her home.”

I really loved this One Shot. Coming from someone who finds angst daunting, I recommend this short O/S (it’s only 8000 words) to introduce you to the awesomeness that is StalkerWard. Following Edward’s dark and troubled thoughts as he continually pursues and lusts over a completely oblivious Bella is both haunting and intriguing. When StalkerWard starts making communication through phone calls and break ins, Bella finds solace in her coffee shop Edward, not realizing that they are in fact one in the same. My favorite scene was when Edward finally gets his chance to have his Bella. It was a hot lemon that left you wanting more, but also for Bella to realize what secrets Edward is hiding.

If you’re in the mood for a dark, twisted O/S with a heaping dose of StalkerWard, I highly recommend checking out TeamBella23’s entry for the Obsession contest.

I definitely agree with Sarah, and I believe that you should check this out!
You can follow both of them on twitter

Author - http://twitter.com/Teamsmella23/
Reviewer - http://twitter.com/ssarrahh1/

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